This 2-day worker course and hands-on activities will cover topics on : background information and sources of contamination on lead, federal and local regulations, hazard recognition and controls, health effects, safety, medical surveillance, personal protective equipment, respirators, clothing, work practices including work area preparation, indoor and outdoor abatement of paint, dust and soil, clean-up and disposal and record keeping.
This course is designed to provide information on the identification and abatment of lead-based paint hazards.
Course Content:
Identification of lead-based paint hazards
Proper abatement and handling of lead-based paint
Legal, insurance and liability concerns
State and Federal regulations
Effects of lead exposure
Sources of lead contamination
X-Ray Flourescence Detectors (XRF)
HUD’s hazard assessment protocol
State-of-the art abatement procedures
Removal/encapsulation/enclosure procedures

16 hours

Sections 2

Spanish – English

